Wenty Waratah Sports and Social Club has grown from the humble beginnings of a couple of mates and neighbours deciding at a meeting, adjacent to the current Ted Burge Sportsground, to enter a single team in the then PDJCA Cricket competition in 1953-1954. At that time, the Ted Burge Sportsground (Centenary Park) didn't even exist.

Since its establishment, the Club has grown and has continued to enter teams of all ages in all sports in both junior and senior competitions. By 1954-55 we had 2 senior and 1 junior team cricket team and the Soccer division with one team, a competition Tennis team and a social Golf competition. 1958 saw the establishment of the Netball Division (then known as Ladies Basketball), while the Softball Club was founded in 1973.

Wenty Waratahs has always welcomed players from all over the district and has attempted to uphold a tradition of hospitality and good sportsmanship.

Throughout it's history, our Club have talented players, tireless workers and most of all colourful characters. We have always endeavoured to be competitive, but welcomed our competitors for "refreshments" and a chat after any game.


​The following is a list of the first Soccer team, it is suggested that this team was formed around 1955.

The first game was played against Granville Kewpies at Colquhoun Park. Wenty's home ground was Jones Park.

  • Jack BROWN (Coach)
  • Fred KING
  • Mick CARTY
  • Frank FLOCKTON
  • Hiram JONES
  • Carl YOUNG
  • Neville FLACK
  • Norm BROMLEY
  • Bill DIXON
  • Tom PERCY
  • Ron HICKS
  • Jack STONE
  • Ray HISBY
  • Mick FALKNER

W.W.S.C. won the Cottam Cup in 1958, with Otto Brush being the captain of the this team that also won a Knock-Out Competition played at Garside Park at Granville. Competing were Rydalmere, Pendle Hill and Girraween.

Juniors were started off in 1958 by Malcom Stewart. (Malcom & Molly Stewart, Lane St, Wenty.)

​Malcom was Secretary/Treasurer from 1958 to approx 1972-74, In this timeframe started with 4 teams then it all steadily increased year by year until 1970 having 22 teams. Ted Burge was responsible for this steady flow of players, as he would send out letters to all the schools in the area to recruit new players every year.

The first junior teams formed were two Under 10 years and two Under 12 years sides in early 1958.

The coaches of those first teams were:

  • U/10-1st side Malcom Stewart
  • U10-2nd side Eric Redfern
  • U12- 1st side Fred Hall
  • U12-2nd side Tony Barslaar and their home ground was Centenary Park.

An Under 14's team, later coached by Tony Barslaar was the first team to win a Junior Competition in GDSFA.


​​The cost: To play in the early days was 1 pound a game. Most parents would pay the 1 pound then drop the kids for the day.

Raising money: This was done by having a Noritarki Dinner Set and each player was given a book of 10 tickets to sell @ 1 pound each ticket.

Nets: Were old camouflage nets left over from the war.

Field marking: This was done by hand with a watering can (without the rose on). Rock lime was purchased from over Rosehill way and then mixed in the watering can to mark the fields.

Footballs: These came from Bostons in Sydney and were good quality, they lasted well.

Material: This was bought from Grace Bros, it was cesserine (linen type) material and Grace Bros always gave a good discount.

The cutting of the material was done by Tibby and Malcom and the sewing of the shirts, (only two sizes were available) was done by Daphne Burge, Harry Brown's wife and Mrs Michalk.

Club Blazer: The cost of a blazer was about 10 pounds to 12 pound ten shillings. But you had to win a competition first before you got one of these. These costs were split up by the soccer, the parent body and the player/parents.

The Canteen: This was a tent at the beginning until Malcom Stewart obtained a shed from where he worked at A.I. and each weekend the team of workers would erect the four sides and then put on the roof so as Mrs Michalk could operate the canteen, this was then dismantled at the end of the day.

Social Events: One year saw a Bankstown (Scottish) Soccer Club join us for the end of season with a wood fire going all day. The following year a trip to Como was organised to celebrate end of season and the following year they came to our ground.

Another year a trip to Fairfield for the end of season with 100 kids on the trailer bus that Terry Phillips organised with Frank Moloney as the driver. The bus cost 5 pounds for the days hire.


​In the 1960s, Frank & Fay Toope joined the club. Fay was an active member of the Ladies Auxilliary and coached teams in 1968-69.

In 1965, Wenty Waratah won the 3rd Division of Federation and an Under 14's team, later coached by Tony Barslaar was the first team to win a Junior Competition in GDSFA in 1958, and in 1966 the U16's team also won the Grand Final.

Two years later 1967 Wenty Waratah won the Inter-Suburban 1st Division 2nd Grade.

In 1969, The Wenty Waratah Sports and Social Club moved a motion by Mr. J. Wilkes seconded by Mr. C Maskell to amalgamate the Junior and Senior Soccer Club.

In 1972 the club had too many teams for the GDSFA competition so two teams were entered into Sydney Amateurs League. Also in 1972 -1973 Indoor Soccer (Interclub) took place at Jones Park Hall 7pm to 8pm was allocated to Juniors and then the Federation players took over from 8 pm to 10 pm

Around this time it was about a $1.00 to $1.50 to register with the club to play.

In 1973 Wenty Waratahs supported a huge 35 teams registered in GDSFA. At this time both Jones Park and Centenary Park were the home grounds.

​Not much information is available on the Federation or Senior teams in the 1970's. NSW Soccer has them listed from 1981 onwards.

​The Ladies/Girls teams came to being in late Seventies from 1978 - 1979 - 1980 - 1981 this was with the GDSFA.

In 1980, Wenty Waratah won the GDSFA Ladies comp.

In 1981 the Wenty U/14's won the GDSFA competition and then owing to the lack of interest shown by the GDSFA with Ladies Soccer, a new Association was formed in 1982.

This was to be called Holroyd District Ladies Soccer Association, under this new name Wenty U/14's won this competition and then in 1983 Wenty U/16's won Champion of Champions and went on to become State Title Champions.

The Old Buffers were also hard at it, playing in the 1970's & 1980's. We believe that the coach was Ian McKintosh coaching for about 5-6 years. To play in the Old Buffers you have to be over 35 years of age.

In 1982, six and seven year old played on a full field for the last time.  That in 1983, the federation changed its name to Inter-Urban and "Mini Soccer" was introduced playing on a half a field.

In the 1980's we had a team of players that represented Champion of Champions 4 years in succession and also achieved being State Title holders for those years as well.

In 1988 the cost for a junior to register with the club was $ 27.00. Ten years later, in 1998 the cost for a Senior to register with the club was $115.


  • 1973 - 35 teams
  • 1977 - 23 teams.
  • 1978 - 21 teams - 3 Semi Finalist
  • 1979 - 17 teams - 7 Semi Finalist
  • 1980 - 22 teams - 7 Semi Finalist
  • 1981 - 24 teams - Feds 4th in 1st & 8th in Res
  • 1982 - 19 teams - Feds 6th in 1st & 8th in Res. We also supported P/L 1st & 2nd . This was the last year that 6's & 7's played on a full field it was then known as Mini Soccer for ages 6's & 7's.
  • 1983 - 16 teams - Feds 11th in 1st & 12th Res. This was the year the Federation changed name to Inter-Urban. Introduction of Mini Soccer 6's & 7's played ½ field.
  • 1984 - 10 teams - Feds P/L 2nd only.
  • 1985 - 14 teams - Feds (No Records)
  • 1986 - 14 teams - Feds (No Records)
  • 1987 - 11 teams - Feds 12th in 1st & 12th Res
  • 1988 - 8 teams - Feds 12th in 1st & 12th in Res.
  • 1989 - This year was washed out. No soccer was played in the Association
  • 1990 - 13 teams. No P/L or Feds.
  • 1991 - 13 teams
  • 1992 - 19 teams
  • 1993 - No Records
  • 1994 - No Records, Saw the introduction of the Over 35's. Roo ball for 6-7-8's was introduced by the Association around this time.
  • 1995 - 22 teams and the passing of Ted Burge 31st May
  • 1996 - 23 teams; Centenary Park was renamed Ted Burge Sportsground in honor of our Founder.
  • 1997 - 28 teams and The Ted Burge Memorial Fun Day was introduced. A gala type day for 6s, 7s & 8s Roo Ball.
  • 1998 - 29 teams; Rego Cost $115 for a Senior
  • 1999 - 31 teams; Last year P/L Represented
  • 2000 - 33 teams; P/L out.
  • 2001 - 35 teams; Disciplinary Committee formed.
  • 2002 - 38 teams
  • 2003 - 42 teams; Wenty Waratah Soccer Club launched its website at
  • 2004 - 43 teams
  • 2005 - 47 teams
  • 2006 - 52 teams; 14 teams into the Semi-Finals, including 5 Minor Premiers; 11 teams proceeded  to Grand Finals; 8 Grand Champions with U16/1 representing Association in Champion of Champions
  • 2007 - 51 teams;  20 teams into the Semi-Finals including 5 Minor Premiers; 11 teams  again proceeded to Grand Finals; Again 8 Grand Champions for the year with U17/1 representing Association in Champion of Champions 
  • 2008 - No record
  • 2009 - 46 teams;  17 teams into the Semi-Finals including 5 Minor Premiers; 10 teams proceeded to Grand Finals; 6 Grand Champions for the year with 2 teams (U12G/1 and U21/1) representing Association in Champion of Champions 
  • 2010 - 53 teams;  21 teams into the Semi-Finals including 6 Minor Premiers (2 teams undefeated); 9 teams proceeded to Grand Finals; 6 Grand Champions for the year with U21/1 representing Association in Champion of Champions and crowned FNSW Robertson (State) Cup Champions 
  • 2011 - 53 teams;  18 teams into the Finals series including 4 Minor Premiers; 8 teams proceeded to Grand Finals; 4 Grand Champions for the year with repeat 2 teams (U12G/1 and U21/1) representing Association in Champion of Champions 
  • 2012 - No record
  • 2013 - No record
  • 2014 - No record
  • 2015 - No record
  • 2016 - No record
  • 2017 - No record
  • 2018 - Club changed to WWFC along with new home uniform design
  • 2019 - 24 Teams (22 Mixed and 2 Girls/AAL); Celebrated 65 Years Anniversary Dinner at then Holroyd Center
  • 2020 - Season delay due to COVID-19 Pandemic seeing Round 1 commenced July 4, 2020 with 21 Teams (20 Mixed in GDSFA and 1 Girls U14 in BDSFA Phoenix League); 6 teams into Finals Series; 3 Grand Champions 
  • 2021 - 26 Teams (23 Teams in GDSFA Competition and 3 Girls/Ladies Teams in BDSFA Phoenix League Competition) - Competition cut short with suspension of games and was officially cancelled in August 2021 due to COVID 19 Lockdown Restrictions.
  • 2022- 24 Teams (21 Teams in GDSFA Competition and 3 Girls/Ladies Teams in BDSFA Phoenix League Competition)
  • 2023 - 23 Teams (21 Teams in GDSFA and 2 Girls teams in Phoenix League. 3 teams won 2023 season championship - U13s Div. 2, U14s Div. 4 & All Age Men Div. 1 won the Championship.
  • 2024 - 26 Teams (24 Teams in GDSFA and 2 Girls teams in Phoenix League.