2024 Teams and their Coaches/Managers
Over 55s - Ratnesh Chandar/Rakesh Chand/Umesh Reddy
All Age Men Div. 4 - Serdar Bedaruni/Gavin Caine
All Age Men Div. 5 - Andrew Burton/Mathew Burnett
Under 18 Girls 01- Matthew Colley/Paul King/Michael Prazner/Manuela Sammut
Youth 1 – Juan Calderon/Karuna Keat
Under 16 Girls 02- Jesse Gharib/Daniel Neculman/Juliana Choufani
Under 16s Div. 1 - Bert Aquilina
Under 15s Div. 1 – Paul Michael/Jeanette Michael
Under 15s Div. 3 – Hema Singam/ Franklin Lamin
Under 14s Div. 1 - Michael Perrin
Under 13s Div. 3– Jesse Gharib/ Yashavin Madap
Under 12s Div. 3 - Saten Chandaria/Prosengit Roy/ Pramod Thirunavukarasu
Under 12s Div. 4 –Akhil Kushwah
Under 11s Koalas - Anthony Gorton/Mary Wayumba
Under 10s Girls Minitildas - Andrew Garingalao/Khalil Farah
Under 10s Dolphins - Vijay D’Souza/Khalil Farah
Under 10s Koalas – Jason Norrie
Under 10s Wombats - Kaiser Khan
Under 9s Possums - Sam Burnett/Lachlan Milroy
Under 9s Wombats BLK - Rebecca Hanania/Hanan Kazwah
Under 9s Wombats WHT - Rob Van Woerkom/Rajesh Sharma
Under 8s Wombats - Rebecca Harb
Under 7s Wombats BLK - Gavin Caine
Under 7s Wombats RED - Rob Van Woerkom/Raghuvansh Naswa/Vignesh Thiyagarajan
Under 7s Wombats WHT - Richard Edwards/Sylvia Chan
Under 6s Wombats BLK - Richard Khoury
Under 6s Wombats WHT - Chris Bazouni/Philip Sakr/Michael Antoun
Coaching Resources - Sessions for All Ages
Football is back and with many grassroots football seasons beginning to kick-off across the country, make sure to check out our vast array of coaching resources designed to support you in your own football environment whether it be in youth football, senior football or specifically working with goalkeepers.
Football Australia Coaching Resources:
- About Coaching
- XI Principles for future of Australian Football
- Player Development Guide
- Coaching Tips
- Football Australia - Skills Hub
Training at the Park
For the month of March - training can be at Sydney Smith Park until we officially move to Ted Burge in April. The are multiple teams needing space - so please be respectful and considerate of other teams. There is no allocation of field spaces at Sydney Smith - so whoever is on the ground - S H A R E with other teams.
When we are at ted Burge in April - by default each team will have a quarter field allocation for team training use. If the adjacent space is not being used by the other teams - then you can use them to expand your training area on the night. Teams are allocated space as per roster - however there will be instances wherein teams may change their training from time to time on a different day - hence they will need space to train. Let's share the space we have for training so all teams can use - be cooperative, courteous and respectful with all the teams specially coaches and managers at the park.
As coaches or managers, you have been issued training balls, bibs, markers for your use in training. All equipment issued belongs to the club and must be returned at the end of the season. If at any time during the season you have issues with them kindly let us know. Any balls that goes flat immediately or after short use - discard them and ask for replacement to replenish your kits if you need it.
Game Day - Playing Home or Away
Please observe good behaviour and always be courteous and respectful with all the teams at the park specially to the teams you will be playing. At Games, bring only minimal equipment for use in pre-game warmup and always bring a match ball as it may be requested for you to provide and use for the game. Carry out necessary pre-game, game, and post-game tasks as described in Game Day Information. Only Coaches, managers and players are allowed in Technical Area - get players on the bench to wear bibs and always sitting down when not interchanging.
GDSFA Match Rules
Small Sided Football (SSF) - MiniRoos from U6 to U11s
SSF games are subject to the FFA rules & guidelines:
Duration of Matches
Duration of matches for each age division is shown below. All matches are to be of two (2) equal halves. If a game is late starting, both halves must be equally reduced in order to meet the published finish time. The half time break is not to exceed 5 minutes. There is INJURY/STOPPAGE TIME.
Under 6’s – Under 11’s In accordance with SSF guidelines
Under 12’s - 25 minutes per half
Under 13’s / Under 14’s - 30 minutes per half
Under 15’s / Under 16’s - 35 minutes per half
Under 17’s, Over 35 /Over 45 - 40 minutes per half
Under 18’s / All Age - 45 minutes per half
Reserves, Super league, Premier League - 45 minutes per half
In the event of a match being played for less than 75% of the normal time set out in the above schedule, the referee is to lodge a report. The match will bedeemed null and void and shall be replayed. This does not apply to matches that are abandoned.
Ball Sizes
In all competition matches the following ball sizes shall be used:
Size No. 3 Ball (22” – 23”) - Under 6’s / 7’s / 8’s / 9’s
Size No. 4 Ball (25” – 26”) - Under 10’s / 11’s / 12’s / 13’s
Size No. 5 Ball (27” – 28”) - All Other Grades
Corner Kicks: U12
Corner kicks in the U12 age grade shall be taken eight yards from the edge of the penalty area on the goal line.
Change of Players during Play
A. Interchange
i For all age groups, five (5) players (including the goalkeeper) may be used for unlimited interchanging at any time during the game, in accordance with the Interchange
Procedures below.
ii Interchange players must at all times have their strip covered when in the interchange area while a match is in progress.
B. Interchange Procedures
i “Interchange zone” will be an area one metre either side of the halfway line
ii An interchange is one, which is made when the ball is out of play, and for which the following conditions shall be observed:
• the player leaving the field shall do so from the nearest side line or goal line, crossing over to be out of playing field or at the sector called the interchange zone
Match Regulations
i. the player entering the field shall also do so from the interchange zone only, but not until the player leaving the field has passed completely over the sideline or goal line
• A player nominated for interchange shall be subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the referee whether called upon to play or not.
ii. The interchange is completed when the player who was off the field, enters the field. From this moment they become a player and the player whom they replaced ceases to be a player
iii The number of interchanges made during a match is unlimited. A player who has been replaced may return to the field for another player.
iv If during an interchange, an interchange player enters the field before the replaced player has completely left it, the referee shall ensure the replaced player leaves the field, then caution the interchange player and then restart the game.
v If during an interchange, an interchange player enters the field or a replaced player leaves it from a place other than the interchange zone, the referee shall caution the offending player.
vi The interchanging of players will cease, at the completion of normal & extra time. Only the players on the field at the completion of the game are permitted to participate in the penalty kicks, subject to over-riding rules set by FIFA. No interchanging at this time is permissible.
Over 35 & Over 45 Competition
Only moulded soles or outdoor shoes with rubber studs are to be worn (i.e. no screw-in studs).
As per FIFA rules, no jewellery is permitted. However, GDSFA permits players to wear a flat wedding ring.
Additional Rules for U12s Only
Corner Kicks: U12
Corner kicks in U12 Mixed and U12 Girls Competitions shall be taken on the spot which MUST be marked 8 yards (7.32 metres) from the PENALTY AREA providing that it remains inside the field of play. If the corner would not be inside the field of play, then then the corner would be taken from the normal corner arc.
Goal Kicks: U12
The so called, “25 metre rule” is a coaching initiative of the FNSW “Skills Acquisition Phase” of player development in the FFA National Curriculum. It is to be applied during the taking of a goal kick. A line parallel to and 25 metres from the goal line is assumed to exist to mark the “25 metre zone”. Where possible, training field marker cones (or similar markers) should be placed 1 metre outside the touch line 25 metres from the goal line on both sides of and at both ends of the field to assist players in complying with the 25 metre rule and match officials in enforcing it.
At the taking of a goal kick, all attacking players MUST remain outside the 25 metre zone until the ball:
a) has been kicked directly beyond the penalty area AND has been touched by the receiving defender ... or
b) has been kicked directly beyond the 25 metre zone ... or
c) has been kicked directly beyond the penalty area AND has subsequently gone out of play
Infringements and sanctions: Where this requirement is infringed by the attack, the goal kick shall be re-taken. Referees should be alert to deliberate or repeated infringement. If, in the opinion of the referee, deliberate or repeated infringement of the 25 Metre Rule constitutes a deliberate tactic to delay the restart of play, the offending player should be cautioned accordingly.
Suggestion for Under 12s or above Age groups. Can also be used for Under 10s and Under 11s to start their early familiarity with the exercises when they go into competition age groups or progress into using a full field. With the Miniroos (U6s to U11s) - there are a few warmup 'games' you can do instead. See Miniroos resources guide.
FIFA 11+ covers WARM UP and COOL DOWN exercises during your training or on your game
We encourage all teams to be doing the warmup with running exercises for your team to start your training or game. And also doing the plyometrics, balance and strength exercises to finish your training. You do not need to do the plyometric, balance and strength exercises after your game - but if you can do finish with just stretching cool down exercises. Click the video to see what is involved and needed and how it is done.
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Credit to the owner of the video in Youtube.
Football Australia today released a suite of free Injury Prevention, Warm Up and Performance resources designed to assist players at all levels of the sport to reduce their risk of injury, perform better on the field and to be available to play more football, more often.
Officials Code of Conduct and Ethics
- I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all players and ensure that everyone is treated equally.
- I will ensure that the players are involved in a positive environment, and that the game and training is a positive and enjoyable experience.
- I will respect all player’s individuality and help them reach their own full potential.
- I will be fair, considerate and honest with all players.
- I will be professional and accept responsibility for my actions and encourage players to demonstrate the same qualities.
- I will make a commitment to my team, and myself that I will continue to improve my own knowledge of the game through coach education and various training programs.
- I will coach my player’s to play within the rules and in the spirit of the game of soccer.
- I will avoid any physical contact with the players and should it be required it would be appropriate to the situation and necessary for the player’s skill development.
- I will refrain from any form of personal abuse towards my players. Also be aware to any form’s of abuse directed towards my players from other sources whilst they are in my care.
- I will refrain from any form of harassment towards my players.
- I will provide a safe environment for training and competition, by ensuring the equipment and facilities meet safety standards.
- I will show concern and caution towards sick and injured players and allow for further participation in training and competition only when appropriate.
- I will not engage in the use of crude, foul or abusive language that may be determined offensive or engage in any conduct detrimental to the image of the game when on or off the field.
- I will refrain from arguing with the referee and / or assistant referees regarding decisions they make.
- I will treat participants, officials and spectators with courtesy and respect.
- I will always encourage my team to play within the laws of the game.
- I will not consent to the use of any banned substance or drugs of dependence by my players.
- I will act in a responsible manner and accept responsibility for my actions.
Coaches Code of Behaviour
Safety and Health of Participants
- Place the safety and welfare of the participants above all else.
- Be aware of and support the sport’s injury management plans and return to play guidelines.
Coaching excellence
- Help each person (athlete, official, etc) to reach their potential. Respect the talent, developmental stage and goals of each person and encourage them with positive and constructive feedback.
- Encourage and support opportunities for people to learn appropriate behaviours and skills.
- Support opportunities for participation in all aspects of the sport.
- Treat each participant as an individual.
- Obtain appropriate qualifications and keep up-to-date with the latest coaching practices and the principles of growth and development of participants.
Honour the sport
- Act within the rules and spirit of your sport.
- Promote fair play over winning at any cost.
- Respect the decisions of officials, coaches and administrators.
- Show respect and courtesy to all involved with the sport.
- Display responsible behaviour in relation to alcohol and other drugs.
- Act with integrity and objectivity, and accept responsibility for your decisions and actions.
- Ensure your decisions and actions contribute to a harassment-free environment.
- Wherever practical, avoid unaccompanied and unobserved one-on-one activity (when in a supervisory capacity or where a power imbalance exists) with people under the age of 18.
- Ensure that any physical contact with another person is appropriate to the situation and necessary for the person's skill development.
- Be honest and do not allow your qualifications or coaching experience to be misrepresented.
- Never advocate or condone the use of illicit drugs or other banned performance enhancing substances or methods.
- Never participate in or advocate practices that involve match fixing.
- Respect the rights and worth of every person, regardless of their age, race, gender, ability, cultural background, sexuality or religion.
- Do not tolerate abusive, bullying or threatening behaviour.